I just read most of Batman: Ego and Other Tails, DC's collection of Darwyn Cooke's work with the Batman franchise. This hardcover trade features Batman: Ego, Catwoman: Selina's Big Score, and many smaller works by Darwyn Cooke.
Batman: Ego was very interesting. It featured Bruce Wayne and Batman talking after Bruce/Bats suffers a traumatic experience. It showed in very clear light the dichotomy between the characters and Bruce and Batman.
"Here Be Monsters" (from Batman: Gotham Knights #23, and part of the Batman: Black and White series) was a very quick read (only about four or five pages). "The Monument" (from Gotham Knights #33, and also a part of Batman: Black and White) was the better of the two Black and White stories.
I loved "Date Knight" (with artist Tim Sale, from Solo #1). I'm a huge Tim Sale fan, and I love the way he draws Catwoman. This story was very cute, and showed the playful side of Catwoman that I love so much. "Deja Vu" (from Solo #5) was a good read, and did not have a single line from Batman.
I did not read Catwoman: Selina's Big Score. This story makes up a large portion of this collection (it was originally a graphic novel, not a single comic issue). I chose not to read it because it is the bridging story between the end of the Catwoman (1993) series and the beginning of the current running Catwoman (2002) series. I am in the process of reading through Catwoman (1993), and I will read Selina's Big Score once I finish it.